Laser Therapy
Non-Invasive Laser Therapy
What is pet Laser Therapy? A surgery-free, drug-free, non-invasive treatment to: reduce pain, reduce inflammation, and speed healing. Class IV deep tissue laser therapy uses a beam of laser light to deeply penetrate tissue without damaging it. Laser energy induces a biological response in the cells called “photo-bio-modulation”, which leads to reduced pain, reduced inflammation and increased healing speed. Our doctors have chosen Companion Therapy Laser because it is the most effective laser in the veterinary market today and is used by more veterinarians than any other therapeutic laser. We want to off the best, most advanced care for our patients.
Conditions Pet Laser Therapy Can Treat
Laser therapy for pets has been scientifically proven to be successful in treating post-surgical pain and many acute and chronic conditions.
Acute Conditions:
- Wounds
- Allergies
- Infections
- Cuts/Bites
- Inflammations
- Tooth Extraction Pain Relief
- Sprains, Strains & Fractures
- Post-Surgical Healing and Pain Relief
Chronic Conditions:
- Otitis
- Degenerative Joint Disease
- Arthritis
- Tendonitis
- Hip Dysplasia
- Geriatric Care
- Lick Granulomas
- Periodontal Disease
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Schedule Laser Therapy for Pets in Coloma, MI
To learn more about what laser therapy can do for your pet, or to schedule laser therapy services for your pet, call us at (269) 468-7297.